Saturday, December 1, 2012


Welcome to the blog. Here I will be discussing various interests and hobbies. Primarily I will talk about the various pillars of Geekdom; film, music, and art. On occasion I may rant, I may rave, and even talk about such social concerns like sports.

So before I get carried away first a little about myself. I've grew during a time if when you read comic books you were a nerd, if you played video games then you were anti social, and if you expressed interest in geek culture then you were weird.

My how the world has changed. The big screen is now home to many modern mythological super heroes and the biggest selling entertainment events of the year are video game releases. Fantasy football is Dungeons and Dragons for sports fans. With the ascent of the internet it has brought together people that have shared interest in things like never before.

Currently I am finishing a graphic design degree and hope to be done with that very soon. I'll be spending the next bit customizing my layouts before I write much more, but rest assured I will be back.

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